Declined Suggested 10/17/2023 by Ben Rodden



VIP/Confidential/Private Tickets

It would be helpful if we could have a checkbox or something that would allow us to mark certain tickets as VIP/Confidential/Private to further limit access to them in the ticket system. There could be a similar checkbox in the user account that would allow us to designate which users are allowed to see tickets marked that way. An example of when this would be helpful is when a ticket is created for an employee that is leaving or being terminated, but there are other sensitive topics where this functionality could be useful as well.

Yvan Bouchard
Agreed. This is something very common in other HelpDesk softwares, where you can identify you VIPs users (CIOs, VPs) and set a white-glove kind of service.
2/13/2024 9:31 AM
Alex Tech
You can create a user custom field (VIP or not) and then use automation rules to treat those ticket differently (notify the right people, move to a secret category etc)
6/17/2024 11:02 AM
Ben Rodden
Had not thought about the idea of just limiting access to the category. That's brilliant. Thank you!
6/17/2024 11:56 AM

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