Goal : multi-factor filter more elaborated than the simple filter
Alex 11/22/2018 6:10 PMTech
Not sure we follow, can you please elaborate?
Renault DEMANGER 5/28/2021 3:11 AM
Hi Alex,
I never seen your answer on this.
In fact, I would like to be able to filter on column header (custom field etc) displayed. And this, directly from the ticket grid (more user friendly than using advanced search). Example : by click on a the header title, the field will offer to type the word to filter
Renault DEMANGER 5/28/2021 3:17 AM
"Advanced search = A LOT of fields displayed"
"Ticket Grid only selected fields displayed"
So, If we should be able to filter directly by typing the word in the header "Wow, very very friendly" and Jitbit will be on top (as everytime)