New Suggested 10/1/2021



Login Page Appearance w/ SAML & Regular Enabled

Feature Suggestion: Make the SAML login button more prominent when both SAML and Regular login are enabled. 
  • SAML is used for internal users with managed Azure accounts. 
  • Regular login is for anyone not in our tenant. No managed Azure account.
  • When both login methods are enabled, the SAML option is grey and not prominent. This will result in staff attempting to login with Regular credentials rather than SAML. 
Included images of SAML only and SAML w/ Regular login:


Glenn Brown
You can change this yourself if you'd like using Custom CSS in the Administrator Settings

input[name="samlButton"].graybutton {background-color:green;color:white}


10/14/2021 1:40 AM
Thank you for the reply Glenn. I'm not familiar with CSS. Is it just as simple of inputting that example you provided?
10/14/2021 9:40 AM
Glenn Brown
Yep Kurtis, Just paste that into the Custom CSS field in the Admin settings and then change the background color and text color to something that you want. I tend to use this site to get nice hex colors for the background-color:
10/14/2021 5:06 PM
Chad Master
This used to work, but not anymore. I also used to change the default regular login button to de-emphasize it using:

input[value="Login"].g-recaptcha {background-color:lightblue;color:white}

However, in all recent versions, nothing changes anymore with either of the buttons. Can you provide a way to do this in the new versions of Jitbit Helpdesk?
8/21/2023 10:17 AM

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