Implemented Suggested 11/14/2018 by jtlarson



Add "remove subscribers" to automation actions

I'd like an action that removes all [user|technician|admin] subscribers from a ticket. I would use this when transferring a ticket to a different section/tech group, to prevent the former group from continuing to receive ticket updates. 

Ben Katz
I don't know if you're using the custom Javascript, but that's how I addressed a similar problem.

Here's my code:

var currentTicket = $("#h2TicketId").text();

//loop through everyone you want to unsubscribe (it doesn't do any harm to try to unsubscribe someone who isn't subscribed)
//you can also get them from the URL of their user details page: https://[subdomainhere][usernumber]


function ImmediatelyRemoveSubscriber(ticketId, userId) {
var url = "https://[subdomainhere]";
var data = "ticketId=" + ticketId + "&userId=" + userId;
$.post(url, data);
5/25/2019 2:00 AM
Alex Tech
We've added the "remove all subscribers" automation action.
4/9/2020 5:40 PM
Fred S
It would be great to be able to just remove all techs and admins, so that you can just assign a new one as an automated action.
1/29/2022 2:43 AM

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