Implemented Suggested 1/30/2020 by Petr Vanek



Move reply to another ticket

The ability to convert a reply to new ticket is great, so is the possibility to convert a new ticket as another ticket's reply. On the same token, it would be useful to be able to move a reply to another ticket, as users do mix things up.

Hector Bas
In the more menu: "Convert to a reply in another ticket...". I use this feature ALL the time. Also you can "copy" a reply to another ticket, and then delete the obsolete reply.
2/3/2020 11:58 AM
Hector Bas
Wow, I was under the impression that the "Copy to a separate ticket..." button under a ticket reply/comment would give you the option to add the reply to another ticket. However I ended up needing to use it today and noticed that it just opens up the new ticket entry page. So I see what you're saying now. Indeed, seems they can take this a step further and give us an option to chose what we want to do with that reply.

Additionally, with the "Convert to a reply in another ticket..." option, it would be extremely helpful if they processed the email with the same rules on incoming replies of an existing ticket. For example, during this process usually everything below the signature line is removed, however after converting you must manually update the ticket.
2/4/2020 4:50 PM

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