Declined Suggested 2/11/2020 by Torsten Könemann



Collapse/Expand with fixed settings for email integration

when you sent an email to the system which is stored as a comment this mail is often long and if the mail get answered etc. the comments get very long.

So emails as comment should get the possibility to show only the first lines (collapse)
In the administration you should if you want to collapse emails and show the first 3 lines for example.
If someone wants to know all he can expand.

So history and handling of tickets gets much more easy ..

Hector Bas
I discovered that this was a must have feature within the first couple weeks of using a ticketing helpdesk. I ended up writing my own custom implementation for it. Feel free to check it out at the link below, but be warned, I added a LOT of small yet useful features aside from this one, in the same script.
2/24/2020 3:44 PM

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