Implemented Suggested 2/24/2020 by Hector Bas



#tech# email replies improvement

If a tech receives a reply from another tech where the reply was sent "for tech only" (#tech#), the email chain does NOT show any previous #tech# comments. It intentionally skips over them. This makes sense for ticket chains where the customer is not involved, but techs need to see all the tech comments. While you can of course easily click the ticket link to get the rest of the info, this basically makes the rest of the ticket body useless, because you aren't seeing any of in-between technical details. There are quite a few tickets that we work on that just mostly have tech comments back-and-forth. So I'd petition for IF the reply is "#tech#", THEN render ALL ticket message replies, ELSE just do current process.

Hector Bas
This feature was implemented, however when receiving those emails, there is no clear indication of which replies in the chain were tech comments and which were regular replies. Using the same color coding (blue = tech, green = customer facing reply) on those email replies would be beneficial. Or better yet, give us some control of this appearance in a dynamic way when putting together the email templates.
10/27/2022 12:53 PM

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