Implemented Suggested 3/22/2020 by Saurabh Sondhi



Comments Identitification

Post APIs don't take the parameter for the actual user who added the comment. e.g. If I am adding a comment from my application then all the comments are added by the username used to connect through API.

The second part of the issue is that, Get All Comments APIs do not return if the comment is added by the customer/user or by the support staff.

This flag us required so that calling application can identify if the comment is added by customer/user or support staff.

Hector Bas
Regarding the first issue, I created a ticket previously that briefly mentioned this but was focused mostly on something else, but I don't think I put enough emphasize on it. We are about to start doing ticket integrations with a 3rd party ticketing platform and really need this ability. Looks like there is a property on ticket creation to specify the on-behalf user, so we really just need that same logic applied to the comments creation api.

For the second part we are given the user id, so we can then do a 2nd call to get the users information.
3/23/2020 11:07 AM
Saurabh Sondhi
Hi Hector

For the following, it's not a performance-optimized solution as I have to make a call for every User Id.

For the second part, we are given the user id, so we can then do a 2nd call to get the user's information.

The way API returns a flag that its a Technician only comments, in a similar manner there should be a flag to identify if a customer/user added the comment or it was added by the support staff using portal.
3/23/2020 11:59 AM
Hector Bas
100% agree with you, but we have a hard enough time getting the things that actually aren't possible through other means, so personally I'd just be happy with being able to accomplish the first part. I actually really need this to be enabled so that I can move forward with a 3rd party ticket integration.
4/13/2020 6:22 PM
Saurabh Sondhi
Hi Hector

The solution prposed by you will work. Please update once its implemented.

Saurabh Sondhi
4/14/2020 1:29 AM

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