Declined Suggested 8/24/2018 by Tom Pallone



Email Notification for Ideas Forum

Email Notification for Ideas Forum.. Email notification of possibly up votes of the Ideas forum or creations of ideas in the forum?

Max Tech
We have a notification for new ideas right now
8/24/2018 4:39 PM
Alex Tech
...and all the comments/replies also send an email. Upvote-notifications would be an overkill though...
8/24/2018 4:58 PM
Tom Pallone
I will look under my settings to see if I am missing something far nothing
8/24/2018 5:25 PM
Tom Pallone
Ok seems that only Admins and person that created gets the messages ..our technicians are not getting email about the Idea Forums..I will find a work around..
8/24/2018 5:58 PM

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