Declined Suggested 5/28/2020 by SaH



Permission to see/use KB only for selected users

All admins and techs can see and use the KB area in our jitbit. It would be useful if we have the possibility to select certain users to see/use the KB area. Or the other way round: the possibility to revoke the permission for certain users.

Michael Milnes
I've done something similar. I've made a section called KB with specific categories to our applications. When I publish release notes, updates, hints/tricks/etc I post to that KB Section / Category. The other Sections I have for our techs are all marked For Techs Only. This might be able to get you what you need.
5/28/2020 9:06 AM
Hi Michael,
thank you for your hint. Unfortunately, my problem is different: we have a lot of technicians, but not all are working on tickets.
We store all important information in the KB area, but not all information is intended for all technicians. It would be better if only selected technicians had access to this area.
5/28/2020 9:36 AM
Michael Milnes
If your techs are segmented and never are expected to go into someone else's ticket categories, you could restrict the category to only those techs. This way the kb articles would only show for those techs and not the whole department.
6/4/2020 3:51 PM

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