We have just started using the feedback links on our helpdesk.
We are aware this feature is in Beta mode at the moment. It is a simple tool and allows the user to quickly report their satisfation with our service.
I am grateful the tool is so simple. It is easy to contact a customer via the ticket should they ever report a negative experience.
* We would like you to consider an additional selection criteria to help us in our stats gathering and feedback monitoring:
Please consider adding the option 'Ticket Created / Ticket Closed' prior to the selection date.
We would like to generate Feedback received for a particluar period.
In some of our cases - it can take weeks for a ticket to be closed.
Please look at this scenario:
1 Jan 2020 - User riases a ticket.
14 Feb 2020 - Ticket Resolved and Closed. Feeback link generated.
15 Feb 2020 - User sends negative feedback.
1 March 2020 - Company runs a report on feedback for period 1 - 29 Feb 2020.
In this scenario the current method of displaying feedback would miss the 'Bad' feedback, the customer wouldn't be contacted and may feel negative about the experience.
If we could have a radio button for tickets opened / closed that should provide the solution we are looking for.
Hopefully the above is easy to understand & implement and will be considered for a future release?