New Suggested 10/8/2020 by Jack Chung



Multiple outgoing SMTP accounts

We use multiple incoming emails plus different email address per ticket category. However, all outgoing emails are sent from the same account (even with From name override). As a result, all sent mails are stored in the same Sent folder of that one account. It would be nice to separate them into different outgoing email accounts.
James Pearce 4/6/2022 2:45 AM
Yes please, every time there is a short outage on the smtp server the helpdesk throws a hissy fit. a simple secondary would solve the issue.
5/18/2022 1:35 PM
I need this as well. We will have different teams handling tickets in different categories. We need responses in one category to have a different "FROM" than tickets sent from a different category
Heja 2/20/2024 1:44 AM
E N 6/17/2024 11:26 AM
This is something we need to expand the use of JitBit across all departments in the company. It would increase the licences we pay, instead of forcing us to move to a system that allows us to have more departments

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