Declined Suggested 11/16/2020



Allow text formatting to work with Dark Mode

Currently if a user formats text in an email reply to a ticket, such as highlighting specific entries in a list, if the technician has dark mode enabled they do not see the highlighting.

Alex Tech
That's by design. If the highlight text not bright enough to be seen in dark mode (like dark-blue) the formatting is removed. The app actually calculates the contrast in the background and makes an informed decision.
11/16/2020 12:53 PM
Is there a way that we could have some control over that to do something like ignore that threshold, or raise all RGB values below the threshold to a point above the threshold?
11/16/2020 12:59 PM
Alex Tech
Please provide a sample email via a support ticket, we'll look into this
11/16/2020 4:37 PM

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