Declined Suggested 6/25/2021 by Ralph Kersten



Dates in ticket lists

Dates of tickets are currently listed in a variety of formats: "x min ago", "x hours ago", "yesterday", "x days ago" or (what a delight, when tickets are a month old:) a regular date/time notation.

I'd like to have ALL tickets displayed in a regular date/time format. This makes it much easier to use the dates a means to find or identify a ticket in a list.

"x days ago" is not a "date" as one would expect from the column header; is not a standard notation: it it has no meaning without any sense of "today". A ticket listed under "x days ago" will be listed different tomorrow. And customers may query us for their ticket sent on "the 16th", never for the one sent "9 days ago".

Alex Tech
If you hover the mouse over the "X days ago" it will show the actual date, is that helpful?
7/6/2021 4:53 AM
Ralph Kersten
Thanks for your response. I hadn't seen that.
It may help some, but still, being a developer myself: I wonder if I would get away with an inconsistent display and a solution like this.
I do hope this can be changed in the nearby future.
7/6/2021 5:15 AM

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