Declined Suggested 7/13/2021 by Joe Schuh



Allow custom prefix for Ticket Number (i.e. IT1234)

If an external entity is using a ticketing system or you have more than once instance of JitBit running in your environment there is no way to distinguish between tickets in one system vs another when email responses are parsed.  This causes an unrelated ticket to possibly be intermingled with the real one.

Being able to add a prefix to the ticket would make it much less likely for this to happen.  i.e. IT1234 vs. 1234.

Understanding that this might be fairly involved to change the database if the value is and ID or currently numeric.  This could just be implemented on the email sending and receive parsing.  The ticket would still be 1234 but when sending the subject would insert the custom prefix, IT in this case, and be {IT1234}.  The process that consumes the inbound emails would also be looking for just that pattern {IT---}.

Chris Gates
This is definitely needed, otherwise you might lose tickets
3/25/2022 7:47 AM

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