Declined Suggested 10/7/2021 by Tim Betts



Integration with Google Chat

I see that you have integration with HipChat, but it would also be nice to integrate with Google Chat by user or by space. Thanks.

I completely agree. This would be such an easier way for Google Workspace users to submit a Jitbit ticket.

Seems like a chat bot could have a few commands...Open ticket, update ticket, close ticket.
2/25/2022 10:53 AM
This seems to not have been addressed for a while.
4/5/2023 2:11 PM
Any updates on this?
9/15/2023 12:59 PM
Tim Betts
Hey there -

For anyone else who is interested in getting Google chat notifications to helpdesk ticket events, I managed to distill it down to the following -
- Creating the webhook URL in a Google chat space.
- Adding an automation rule into helpdesk to send a HTTP request to that URL

Here are those steps in detail -

Go to webhooks for a google chat space -
- Go into Google chat ​using a web browser only
- Click on Spaces > the space you want to interact with.
- Click on the drop down arrow in the space title in the chat window.
- Choose Apps & integrations
- If you don't see this option, you may lack permission to do so.

Registering a new webhook -
- Click on Webhooks
- Click Add webhooks
- Enter helpdesk for the name
- For URL use ​a resized copy of the JitBit logo hosted somewhere.
- Click Save

Getting the URL for the webhook -
- Go to webhooks for your space (see above)
- Click the three vertical dots and choose Copy Link
- This will be the URL to post to the space.

Creating the Helpdesk automation rule -
- Login to helpdesk
- Go to Administration > Automation Rules > Create
- Enter a name that represents sending a message to a google chat space and what triggered it.
- e.g. Ticket-create-google-chat-integration
- Make sure to follow any existing naming conventions.
- Choose When this happens, e.g. Ticket is created
- Add any additional rule conditions

In Do This, click Add -
- Select Send HTTP Request
- Choose POST
- Use the Google chat webhook URL link you copied above
- Check “The POST data is in JSON format”
- For post data enter the JSON block using any #values# you like -
- e.g. { “text”: “Ticket #ticketId# created from #from# [#url#]” }
- Make sure to fix the double-quotes if you literally copied this example.
- Make sure username and password are empty
- Click Save rule

Testing the rule -
- Go into the help desk and create a ticket or trigger whatever event you need to satisfy your rule.
- The message should show up in the google chat space.

Hopefully this helps anyone else looking for this feature.

All the best, Tim
2/2/2024 9:41 AM

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