New Suggested 11/23/2021 by Sylvain CORTET



Some Features ideas

When we click on a ticket and open it:
    • Sometimes people transfer mail, with a lot of response inside, to create a ticket. Could we have the capability to minimize the initial demand by default, to see every time the ticket answer in the screen (a button "see more").
    • Have a rappel due date, and the ticket would go up in the list when the date passed.
    • Technician could have the capabilities to modify comments of other technician, admin could have the capabilities to set that in settings (important for us).
    • After we set time spent manually, have the capability to play the time spent without actualize the all page (button "pause" replace by a "play" button in this case).


In report -> summary -> more options:
    • "send this rapport to admins every month" could we have the capabilities to choice the type of report (Excel, CSV, or PDF) only HTML at this time.
    • Capabilities to choice a date to send the email: currently when the mail is sent on the 31th, it keep all tickets before this date but not those of the 31th.

 Ticket creation:

    • Capability to create periodically a ticket ->  ex: update servers Every week.

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