Implemented Suggested 3/24/2022 by Lewis Purver



API Improvement Request

We are submitting new tickets via the API. We would like to assign helpdesk users to the submitted tickets. Frequently a user will not yet exist in Jitbit for the ticket we are submitting. I understand we could programmatically create new users, but to do so we have to set an email address, username and password, as they are required fields.

Ideally, we'd just send an email address to the CreateUser endpoint and the user be created automatically, without having to set a username or password - replicating what happens when the helpdesk receives an email from an address it hasn't seen before.

I'm dumbfounded at both the API docs and the API functionality. Endpoints that are supposed to work simply don't. The documentation is entirely unclear, lacking specificity and unprofessional. Apparently you can't actually send a ticket with the API, you can only send information that prefills a form. The terminology used is misleading and if JitBit chooses to leave functionality that would be common in the industry out, they should certainly just omit this functionality from the documentation. An API in the real world, "not fairy tale land" is not used to prefill a form, for the context of submitting a ticket, it submits a ticket.
6/3/2024 12:30 PM
Apologies, I would delete my previous comment but I cannot. The API docs refers to an endpoint /tickets/new which doesn't work on our system with or without /api prefix. Some additional searching revealed the /ticket endpoint which does in fact submit a ticket. I suspect this was just an oversight in creating the documentation. Still a bit frustrating but definitely invalidates the aggressiveness of my previous comment
6/3/2024 12:45 PM

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