An email request often has other people in TO or CC and we usually want these to be potential ticket subscribers. The default setting is for them all to be added as subscribers and to receive ticket updates.
This has sometimes bitten us, if one person replies to the ticket with sensitive/confidential content, it gets sent to everyone. That person didn't reply-to-all, so they didn't expect everyone to get it.
1. When the default setting is enabled, to add all TO/CC-ers to the ticket, add a second setting to enable/disable the default reply setting. So you see all your subscribers on the ticket, but maybe only the origina sender automatically gets replies.
2. When the default setting is NOT enabled, you only see the original sender as subscribed, but there's a widget to add potential subscribers based on the TO/CC fields in the email.
Anonther idea would be to have a widget on each ticket which allowed you to set which subscribers are checked by default.