Declined Suggested 9/19/2023



Tasks list for tickets

option to create tasks in the ticket. Like checkboxes.
This will help manage tasks for each ticket.
Same as Google Tasks or similar. Can start with a simple checklist and with time improve to have time and notifications.

Michael Milnes
I agree. It's great to use sub tickets, but the challenge we face is presentation. Linking tickets together works, but if you close one you have to make sure you don't close them all.
I can envision using tasks for something like Staff onboarding ... Create account, Create email, create xyz. It would be also cool to track who completed the task. In one example, a ticket is assigned to multiple people as it works through the process. Would be great to get a report that would show tasks that were completed (with or without the ticket.)
9/20/2023 11:38 AM
Alex Tech
In recent version you can add one or more checkboxes to the ticket body (there's a "checkbox" button in the formatting toolbar) and clicking those checkboxes when looking at the ticket will save it to the database automatically.

Check this screenshot
6/2/2024 11:40 AM

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