I've just discovered that the condition "Ticket submitter email contains" does not (or does not always) look at the "from" header. In this case, the incoming email's address was taken from the "reply-to", which was a no-reply address. I would expect the submitter's email to be their "from" address.
Maybe JitBit takes the from address, and if there's a reply-to, then it decides to take that, but this means it's not consistent, so you can never be sure it's going to use "from".
So request (a) is to just make it the "from" address.
If that's not ideal, then request (b) is to make it configurable, i.e. choose "from" or "reply-to" for the condition. (This is my preference because it gives a choice of what to target.)
Else, go the whole hog and have a condition based on any header you enter, but I realise this might be a bit techy.