New Suggested 11/11/2024 by Hector Torres



Add option for scheduled tickets with "Daily on Weekdays" frequency to be created regardless if the day is a Holiday

Schedule Options
1. Daily - opens the scheduled ticket every day.
2. Daily on Weekdays - opens the scheduled ticket on weekdays (except Holidays). 

Not all companies are closed all federal Holidays. This is an opening for tickets to not be created when they should. 

I suggest either:

1. Add a "Weekdays" frequency that will create the scheduled tickets every day of the week regardless if it's a Holiday or not. 


2.  Adding a setting to make "daily on workdays" work even if the weekday is a "Holiday". A setting like "DontSkipHolidays" or even setting up the Holidays at a company level. Meaning, there is a setting item where each company can set the dates they will be closed and use that as reference for the daily tickets. Only for the daily, because quarterly / monthly / Date Specific tickets should still be created. 

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