Implemented Suggested 2/11/2019 by Andreas



Option to set the Email Templates (multi division/company/branding) on based of the incoming email servers/addresses or automation rules

It would be great feature to have the option to set the Email Templates (multi division/company/branding) on based of the incoming email servers/addresses or automation rules.

For an example if company has separate division handling the customers with helpdesk application. Division for the B2B customers, division for the B2C customers, division for the accounting related issues, division for R&D related issues etc. … etc. … all the different divisions could have need for different Email Templates.
For an example division for the B2B customers, division for the B2C customers and division for R&D related issues could have need for very different "Ticket confirmation" email template and also need to differentiate the other email templates on based of the division.

Or for an example if the helpdesk application is used to provide helpdesk support to different brands and/or companies then it would be very useful to have the option to set different email templates on based of the brands/companies the helpdesk support is provided to.
For an example support for company/brand 1, support for company/brand 2, support for company/brand 3, support for company/brand 4. It would be great feature to have the option to set the "Ticket confirmation" and also other email templates on based of the company/brand that the support is provided to.

This could be implemented in different ways.
By the option to set the Email Templates usage on based of the Administration » Email settings » Email Servers used for the incoming emails/tickets.
By the option to set the Email Templates usage on based of the address the email was sent to by the ticket submitter (email To field).
Perhaps even through the Automation rules.
For an example:
If the ticket is submitted via email account1/via email address1 use the Email Templates set 1 (by set I mean set of Email Templates: "New ticket" email template, "Ticket-updated" email template, "Ticket closed" email template, "Ticket confirmation" email template, "Welcome to Helpdesk" email template) if the ticket is submitted via email account2/via email address2 use the Email Templates set 2, etc. … etc. …

The later handing of the tickets kind of supports the multi division or multi company/brand option via the Use a different "from" address for email-notifications in this category. It would be great and useful if the Email Templates would also support the multi division or multi company/brand option.

To extend on Andreas' suggestion:

I'd suggest that this can and should be done as an optional override in the SECTION/CATEGORY settings. In fact, I'd like to see ALL the settings in the "notifications" and "Templates" sections of the ADMIN>EMAIL controls to be implemented as SECTION-level settings--i.e. Every section could have it's own email handling rules--one section could enable welcome emails or confirmations, while email that comes to another section could disable these features.

This is important in a diverse support situation, as different groups have widely varying needs.
4/2/2019 1:41 PM
Alex Tech
Yes, that's what I was about to write. We do have it in our backlog as "PER-CATEGORY email templates".
4/21/2019 1:31 PM
It would be extremely useful to have all the existing Email Templates: "New ticket" email template, "Ticket-updated" email template, "Ticket closed" email template, "Ticket confirmation" email template, "Welcome to Helpdesk" email template under the "PER-CATEGORY email templates".
4/23/2019 5:25 PM
Alex Tech
Yes, we're actively working on this.
4/30/2019 11:40 AM
The PER-CATEGORY email templates feature is implemented (thank You very much for the added feature) but at this moment the implemented feature allows to set different PER-CATEGORY email templates.
But does not allow to set different Email notifications options PER-CATEGORY (switch Email notifications on/off PER-CATEGORY).

For an example it is not possible to set Send ticket confirmation notification to one CATEGORY and set another CATEGORY without Sending ticket confirmation notification.
7/11/2019 5:17 AM
I have posted new idea to the Ideas forum:

At this moment the PER-CATEGORY email templates feature does not allow to set different Email notifications options PER-CATEGORY (switch Email notifications on/off PER-CATEGORY).

For an example it is not possible to set Send ticket confirmation notification to one CATEGORY and set another CATEGORY without Sending ticket confirmation notification.

It would be great additional feature to the PER-CATEGORY email templates feature to have the option to set different Email notifications options PER-CATEGORY (switch Email notifications on/off PER-CATEGORY).

Here is the link for the new posted Idea:
7/27/2019 4:50 AM

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