Implemented Suggested 7/16/2018 by Sean Fichera



Option for Priority to be for Technicians Only

Using jitbit for Internal helpdesk software and not for commercial customers. I would like to be able to shut the priority dropdown off for the user submitting a ticket. We need to evaluate all requests across the entire organization to determine priority. (People select high thinking they will get immediate service and that is not always the case.)

Alex Tech
We'll think about this, meanwhile you can hide the Priority box from the "New ticket" page using custom CSS or (custom JS if you prefer). Or even edit the new-ticket page file directly, since you have the server version.
8/4/2018 5:46 PM
David Ferber
I agree with this. We use the hosted solution and it would be nice to have the option to disable or hide this.
8/28/2018 1:48 PM

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