Implemented Suggested 6/4/2019 by David Noe



Create popup fields to fill when using Canned responses

I would like to have the ability to add editable field tags to Canned response.

For example, in the body of the Canned response use $[User name] to indicate a users name and when the response is added to the message there is a popup with a field called "User name" that can be filled which will replace "$[User name]" in the body with the filled in content. Clippings for Firefox has this feature if you need reference.

Alex Tech
This is already there. "You can use #FirstName#, #LastName# to substitute the submitter details and #Technician# to insert assigned tech's name"
4/9/2020 6:17 PM
David Noe
What about information that is not specific to the submitter or the tech such as folder, server, or employee names. Things that are dynamic to each ticket.
4/9/2020 6:36 PM
David Noe
An example where we are sending an email to a manager to approve the submitter's request for access to a network folder:
"Due to our folder security policy, access to department folders is either all access or no access. We can move this folder or create a folder in [folder_location] folder that employees from different departments can have access to if they need access to the information.

Would you like IT to move the folder or grant [Employee] full access to the requested folder?
If you would like us to move it, who other than [User] and the $[Department] department should have access to this folder once it has been moved?"

I would like to see it that when the canned reply was chosen, a popup would show asking for "Folder:", "User:", and "Department:"
4/9/2020 6:37 PM

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