Implemented Suggested 6/19/2019 by Aaron McQueen



Category Assignment for Canned Responses

We use quite a few canned responses across different categories.  Our list is growing and some of the responses don't apply to all categories.  Having some canned responses only available in some categories would help clean up our canned responses dropdown.  
Mark Gabb 7/25/2019 5:34 PM
This would be awesome. We have more than just ICT using helpdesk. Our facilities and quality department use it too... So having canned responses cut down to be category or user based would be awesome
Aaron McQueen 7/29/2019 10:14 AM
Thanks for working on this and implementing it, but it doesn't quite do what we need. We need to be able associate a canned response with multiple categories, similar to the way that custom fields works.
Nicholas Bentley 10/14/2019 2:55 PM
This would be awesome as we have multiple different functional teams using JitBit and it would cut down on the amount of scrolling that needs to be done.
Alex 11/1/2019 5:42 AM Tech
Just a clarification: we already have this implemented, you can assign a canned response to a category, but only to ONE category. Just not to several categories, and we're leaning towards not implementing it, to keep the app simple.,
Alex 11/3/2019 3:04 PM Tech
OK, we've added this feature during the weekend. Now you can assign a canned response to MULTIPLE categories.

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