Declined Suggested 7/12/2019



Different way of sending emails

Currently, Jitbit sends all emails as single email. While this is "ok", it's often a problem, when there are a huge amount of people on the original email. We're dealing with huge customers and they usually set up to 10+ people on their CC list.
Now they get emails back from the system without seeing directly, to who it was also send, making them forward the mail to people, which already have got them! :( 

I know that there is the function to include the subscribers into the email body.

What i want to have is:

If an email is send out of the system, create an email like with any other mail program: Original Sender as TO, Original CC as CC aswell as manually added subscribers.

That would make the life of our clients alot easier.

Alex Tech
There's a setting "Send ticket updates to all subscribers in CC instead of an individual email to every subscriber" simply enable it in "Admin - Email settings". If you have an on-premise version you might need to upgrade.
7/14/2019 7:31 AM

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