Implemented Suggested 7/27/2019 by Andreas



PER-CATEGORY email templates, additional feature: option to switch Email notifications on/off PER-CATEGORY.

At this moment the PER-CATEGORY email templates feature does not allow to set different Email notifications options PER-CATEGORY (switch Email notifications on/off PER-CATEGORY).


For an example it is not possible to set Send ticket confirmation notification to one CATEGORY and set another CATEGORY without Sending ticket confirmation notification.


It would be great additional feature to the PER-CATEGORY email templates feature to have the option to set different Email notifications options PER-CATEGORY (switch Email notifications on/off PER-CATEGORY).

Alex Tech
We're working on a feature that when an email template for some action is empty (global or category-specific) - the email is not sent.
9/26/2019 5:32 PM
Hi Alex, this sounds like a good way how to resolve the additional feature how to switch Email notifications on/off GLOBALLY or PER-CATEGORY.
Thank You for this additional feature.
9/27/2019 3:00 PM

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