Declined Suggested 8/25/2019 by Mark Gabb



Single Screen ticket Creation and closure

an option to have a single screen for opening and closing a tciket in one fell swoop.

we opperate alot on the phone, and would love an option for people who are on shift can create, and close a ticket on screen, i image this could be done via a switch in settings, to allow closure of calls from new ticket screen.

Michael Milnes
I second this. I've been training my techs to put in a ticket for EVERYTHING they do. This would be much more efficient to open/close tickets.
8/26/2019 8:23 AM
yes, this would be a nice option and helps encourage folks to use tickets for ALL THE THINGS ;)
1/13/2020 3:31 PM
Alex Tech
This has been lying around untouched for a while, but here's a temp workaround: you can create a "for technicians techs only" checkbox custom field name "autoclose" and have an automation rule close support tickets when this field is set. This way you simply check this box, create a ticket and it will close automatically.
11/14/2021 5:46 AM

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