New Suggested 5/12/2020 by Renault DEMANGER



Custom field - Show on "new tickets" ON-OFF)

Goal :
Ability to have the custom field in the cases without see these in new ticket page creation

Hector Bas
Additionally, something I mentioned in ticket ##27851180 in regards to custom fields:

A couple of options that I think might be helpful in the future is to add a readonly flag and a display flag. In certain cases I want these fields to be manipulated by automation rules/API, but not by a user directly, but I have no problem with them seeing it. And, in other cases, the field should just be a hidden internal field that has no use to be shown on screen but is useful for other automation processes. So for right now, I'm controlling this via custom scripting, which will do.
5/15/2020 10:09 AM

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