Implemented Suggested 11/24/2020 by Paul Davenport



Reports / Satisfaction

Hi Support,

Could I kindly suggest that the ratings links contain a one-time token (valid for 3 days maybe?) so that the user doesn't have to log into the website before being able to leave feedback?

I am an advocate of keeping the feedback contained within the 1 environment - so we can swiftly look back at the ticket transcript should we ever receive negative feedback!

Thank you for this consideration.

Keep up the great work!

Paul Davenport
Here is a comment from one of our customers! :

Chaps, I think you would get more feedback about your helpdesks if the poor old user could just click the Good/Bad/Ugly link without being challenged for a username and password.

I'm thinking maybe the emails (like the one below) could contain a one-time token (much like the password reset) so that:
a) the link points at the specific ticket and rating, just like now; but
b) the server logs the user's first response, and silently ignores all subsequent ratings for that ticket.

I say this because a couple of times I've wanted to give a Good rating but got to the username and password dialogue and just been too damn' lazy to carry on...

Just a suggestion, no need to reply :-)
11/24/2020 11:04 AM

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