Declined Suggested 2/23/2021



'Do This' automation option "ticket comes via"

Hi there,

It would be excellent if you could add the Ticket comes via....(email/In person/phone) "Do this" option for the automation rules. We have an automated email that's sent to our helpdesk when helping a user solve a problem that we're able to solve in the space of 5 minutes or less that's triggered by tapping on an iPad.

Thank you.

Alex Tech
Not sure I follow. We already have a "condition" for the "via" field, do you want us to add an "action" that - does what?
2/23/2021 3:58 AM
Hi Alex,

Thanks for the quick reply and apologies for not being clear.

I was hoping that you could add an "action" that changes the ticket "via" field.

In our case, we have a ticket that is created and closed automatically for any 'in person' support requests, triggered at the touch of an iPad. Being able to add an "action" that changes the 'via' field would help create clearer reports of exactly how many "in person" support requests our team is resolving.

This does seem a little counter intuitive (as normally one would manually create a ticket on behalf of a user for a request in person). However, we work in a k-12 environment, and many of our users' issues are solved in less than a few minutes. This is why we've sought to automate this process as much as possible, rather than spending time creating tickets on behalf of every student whose issue is resolved via a restart, or something like that.

Thank you :)
2/23/2021 5:21 PM
Alex Tech
OK, got it, we'll consider this
2/23/2021 5:35 PM

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