New Suggested 8/31/2023 by Kristoffer Lindstrøm
votesImprove asset search experience: making advanced search availble from
One thing I always found awkward with assets is the way search works.
With the kind of stuff I do, I essentially always need a total of three clicks to get to the view I want. Specifically, I always want the advanced search view which means I go through the following five screens:
- Go to assets and click “Search…”.
- Click ”Advanced…”.
- Enter my parameters and click ”search
- Now I get the desired view containing
both the asset list and the “advanced…” button.
- I even have to click the “advanced…”
button yet again if I want the filters to be visible.
The above seems like it’s way more bothersome than it needs to be. Specifically, I have two suggestions which, at least for me, would result in a markedly improved UI/UX:
- All the above views should be
combined into one. What I imagine is that the first view - the one you get
when you click “Assets” - should contain all the options you get in the
other views, so it ends up having the advanced filtering options seen in
view 5 as well as everything in view (1). I.e. view (1) should have the
“advanced…” button, allowing you to get all the filters seen in view 5.
I’m not sure what I think should happen to “quick search” I always found it somewhat useless to be frank. One problem is that it doesn’t allow you filter, but only pick one specific result. With the changes I suggest, I imagine it would not have much use anymore, but you might have some better insights into how it’s used of course.
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