Tagging your support tickets and KB articles

Creation date: 11/4/2017 1:45 PM    Updated: 12/6/2017 6:11 AM
You and your end-users can add tags to support tickets and KB articles.

To tag a ticket Simply start typing in the tag input field. The field will automatically show suggestions for existing tags. If you want to create a new tag - just press "enter" and will be added right away. Tagging knowledge-base articles works exactly the same way as tagging tickets.

Filtering tickets by tags is also very easy. All tags are shown in the left menu in the main ticket grid, simple click a tag to filter the current view by a tag. Same with the Knowledge base - all the tags are shown at the bottom on the KB homepage.

Tagging/untagging multiple tickets

You can select multiple tickets in the main ticket grid using the checkboxes and then click "tag" item in the popup menu shown. Type a tag and then click "add" or "remove" to tag or UNtag the selected tickets.

Managing tags

There's no actual "tag management" page or something like that. When you "untag" a ticket the tag is automatically deleted from the system if there are no tickets/articles with it. We thought we have enough pages in the admin panel already, so we decided to keep it simple.

Additional tags use-cases

Jitbit also uses tags behind the scenes for similar Knowledge Base article suggestions when users enter new tickets. For example, if you have articles with a "printer" tag, these articles will be suggested when someone enters a ticket like "my printer doesn't work".

Please note, that article tags are just one of the factors for article suggestions. We use other things such as natural language processing and machine learning to determine similarity.
Jitbit Helpdesk ticketing system is our flagship product. Its a great helpdesk software app offered both as a hosted and "on-premise" versions.