THE UP-TO-DATE ARTICLE IS HERE: Configuring SAML 2.0 in ADFS 2016Go to Server Manager > Tools > ADFS Management
Open Trust Relationships, right click on Relying Party Trusts and choose Add Relying Party Trust and click on Start.

Choose "Enter data about the relying party manually" and click Next.

<p>Enter a suitable Display name and click on Next.</p>

You can skip the next steps by clicking 'Next' on the following two screens.
Check the "Enable support for the SAML 2.0 SSO WebSSO protocol" box. Under 'Relying party SAML2.0 SSO service URL', enter your Jitbit SAML login URL. Eg: "" and then click Next.

Add "" as Relying party trust identifier. Click Next.
Click 'Next' on the following three screens.