Declined Suggested 2/3/2020 by Andreas



Accurate Response time in Reports

It would be great if the “Response time” in “Reports” would be accurate.
Currently the Response time in Reports is not accurate.

According to the Timing terminology ( the “Response time” is:
Time between the moment the ticket was created and the moment the technician sent the first response to it.
But actually it is not the case. At this moment the “Response time” in “Reports” is not only the Time between the moment the ticket was created and the moment the technician sent the first response to it. There are too many exceptions.
For an example:
  • If the user clicks Takeover or the user assigns the ticket to himself, the ticket changes its status to In progress at that moment. In that case, the response time will be different from the duration between the creation and the first reply.
  • If automation rule is set to Assign ticket to: Technician then the ticket changes its status to In progress at the moment when the automation rule is applied. In that case, the response time will be different from the duration between the creation and the first reply.

The “Response time” in “Reports” should be the real and only the “Response time”, Time between the moment the ticket was created and the moment the technician sent the first response to it.
With no exceptions.

More information on this subject to the Jitbit support and developers can be found at the support case ticket #25833514.
2/3/2020 7:32 PM
Alex Tech
The "response time" is the time between ticket creation and ticket "start time" - which is when the ticket has been moved to "in progress" status. This is indicated in the manual (when you click "get help" on the summary report page). I fixed the KB article you're referring to.
2/22/2020 6:05 PM
Hi Alex, thank You for Your feedback.

Fixing the KB article does not change the situation that it is not possible to have the report of the Real response time (Time between the moment the ticket was created and the moment the technician sent the first response to it.) which is needed for many companies for the statistics.
I believe that in practice the information about the time between ticket creation and ticket "start time" is much less important than the time the ticket submitter is waiting for the first reply from the technician.
Especially when taking into the consideration the fact that many companies have set the Jitbit helpdesk automation rules to automatically assign tickets to the technician on the moment the tickets arrive. In this case the first reply sent to the ticket submitter is very different from the time between ticket creation and ticket "start time".
I am also referring to the real life practice situations where the technicians are taking over the tickets but does not send the first reply to the ticket submitter on the moment the ticket has been taken over. In this case the first reply sent to the ticket submitter is very different from the time between ticket creation and ticket "start time".

Alex, please advise how can we get the report/statistics of the Time between the moment the ticket was created and the moment the technician sent the first response to it.
2/23/2020 4:34 AM
Alex, I kindly ask Your advice how can we get the report/statistics of the Time between the moment the ticket was created and the moment the technician sent the first response to it.
3/10/2020 8:08 AM

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