Implemented Suggested 3/4/2020 by Joseph D. Ratzloff



Allow Admins to NOT be technicians on all categories

We've worked hard to get our categories structured with the proper permissions.   Further, our admins use separate accounts to administer Jitbit than they do for their normal work.   We're regulated and admin activity is separately auditable.

Since Admins are considered technicians in every category, our administrators appear available for ticket assignment in every single category all the time.   I believe that an administrator of a system should be consider a role for maintentance and not necessarily a technician.   Admins can create rules and see everything perhaps, but that is arguably distinctly different from being a technician that can work tickets.  

Our helpdesk covers not just IT but also operations.  In the current setup, our admins in IT get tickets assigned to them from operational groups for which they should not be an option.

Please considering separating the functions at least optionally.

Henry Siy 6/4/2020 12:32 AM
this is also a compliance finding since some ticket coming from the different departments are confidential, (HR, Finance department). I suggest ADMIN account should be focusing on the backend by default, this is a ticketing system and a lot of information is shared on this platform. should the admin account need access to departments ticket. it should follow the same procedure as adding them to the list. For now we have no other choice to disable them but to include this in our mitigation plan as ACCEPTED RISK. I hope this makes sense.
Mark Gabb 10/27/2020 4:22 PM
100% need this, as it occurs at times where my admin user gets assisgned tickets, and i may not notice for up to a week as i only login to my admin account to perform changes for other departments

see allso these other idea forum idea which are the same 3 4
Alex 11/3/2020 10:58 AM Tech
We'll change it the way admins can be assigned to ticket only by OTHER ADMINS, not by regular technicians, and see if there's any backlash from the existing customers whose processes might break
Heja 11/18/2020 11:43 PM
Up on this request.
4/29/2021 8:11 AM
Providing the option to assign categories to the admins the same way you do for technicians would alleviate this. We to use the one system for more then just IT, we also have three different IT groups and use if for non-technical stuff.
Myron Kolodiy 6/23/2023 8:10 PM
As soon as an instance of JitBit is used by more than just the IT department, this becomes undesirable. Please consider an option to exclude admins based on section/category, or entirely.
Jen Hinkel 1/8/2024 6:58 PM
Agree with Myron! This feature says IMPLEMENTED, but seemingly no part of the original request was implemented?
Kelly Hardy 2/20/2025 4:52 PM
I agee with Daryl's comment: Providing the option to assign categories (or sections) to the admins the same way you do for technicians would alleviate this. We to use the one system for more then just IT, we also have three different IT groups and use if for non-technical stuff

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