New “Automation rules” trigger, “Trigger by the calendar”.
New “WHEN THIS HAPPENS:” trigger “Trigger by the calendar” for the automation rules.
This new trigger “Trigger by the calendar” would make it possible to trigger the automation rule by the calendar on certain date.
Andreas 6/10/2020 4:50 PM
And in addition to finetune this “Trigger by the calendar” trigger it would be even more useful if it would be possible to trigger the automation rule by date and time. This trigger would make it possible to trigger the automation rule on certain date and time.
Alex 7/17/2020 4:46 PMTech
It's unclear, what tickets should this automation rule process?
Andreas 7/18/2020 7:05 AM
Hi Alex
Thank You for Your reply.
I will give You an example when this automation rule should trigger.
1. Custom field Date (or Date with time) is created for Technicians and Administrators. 2. Technician and/or Administrator sets value for the Custom field Date (or Date with time) the value is a set date and time in the future. 3. The New “Automation rules” trigger, “Trigger by the calendar” will trigger the automation rule “1. WHEN THIS HAPPENS:” when the set date and time arrives.
I kindly ask You to also view the ticket 28621652.
With good wishes Andreas
Fred Sharpsteen 9/23/2020 3:59 PM
Maybe even being able to tie it into a Google Calendar event
Andreas 10/7/2020 4:44 PM
Hi Alex
I wonder why have You declined the suggested idea?
You basically already have the functionality in the Jitbit Helpdesk.
The trigger 1. WHEN THIS HAPPENS: Ticket becomes overdue Does the same that the suggested “New “Automation rules” trigger, “Trigger by the calendar”” The Ticket becomes overdue rule is also triggered by the calendar “Due date”.
The suggested “New “Automation rules” trigger, “Trigger by the calendar”” would expand the option to use the “New “Automation rules” trigger, “Trigger by the calendar”” when the “Due date” field is used for the actual Due date.
At this moment we have to use the workaround and use the “Due date” (as a calendar) and trigger Ticket becomes overdue (as Trigger by the calendar). But we cannot always use the workaround because we also need the “Due date” for the initial “Due date” functionality.
This trigger would make it possible to trigger the automation rule on certain date and time.