New Suggested 6/16/2020 by Hector Bas



Email Settings: "From" name

Under Email Settings, we have the option to standardize the "From" name of an email to a particular value. By default, it will use the first and last name of the user sending in the reply or new ticket. We actually prefer the default behavior, however, not all of our users are the brightest. For some users, when they see the name of one of their colleagues, they fail to see the actual email address that the email originated from and therefore think they are responding directly to their colleague, which can lead to some embarrassing replies. Happens at least once a week, if not more. While the format of our email is obviously that of an auto-generated ticket system, I think the best "solution" would be to modify the "From" name on the email reply that is sent out and append something obviously auto-generated. Something like "From helpdesk user: {firstname} {lastname}". Little wordy, and not everyone would like it, so probably something that should be configurable in the email settings. Trying to protect the client from themselves. :)

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