Implemented Suggested 7/21/2020 by John Thoden



Asset Search Counts and Totals

Within Assets, would it be possible to include a Total somewhere in the GUI when a Search completes? For example, today we needed to know who many laptops were part of a specific lease, and we had to use the Save as .csv function to take the data outside out Jitbit HelpDesk just to view that number. Likewise, on the Browse page where all assets are visible, a count of selected assets (right-hand column) would be very useful. Perhaps at the very bottom of the that column where you select assets could be a spot for it to say Total or Total Selected.

An example:

John Thoden
This should have been tagged as a Feature Request. Thanks.
1/27/2021 8:01 AM
John Thoden
Thank you for implementing the TOTAL at the bottom of the assets page. As part of this original idea, can we also get a count of SELECTED assets (where a user can select the checkboxes in the right-hand column)? It would be very useful instead of going back to the Advanced Search options and selecting additional filters. At times even filters cannot group as well as manually selecting specific assets. Perhaps at the very bottom where you now have the TOTAL it could also display the TOTAL SELECTED. Finally, if this needs to be a separate idea, just let us know.
8/30/2021 9:40 AM

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