Declined Suggested 1/29/2021 by Renault DEMANGER




The on permise version can be very interesting for multi reasons. (speed; data location; etc.)

But, only one year of update included is a risk.

I suggest a commercial model of subscription for on permise version.

Michael Milnes 1/29/2021 4:33 PM
um, I use the on prem version and every year I just re-up the subscription? Am I missing something?
Renault DEMANGER 2/2/2021 4:59 AM
Hi Michael,

I assume you're referring to the "Update".

On my understanding of what I've seen, there is no any subscription possibilities for the on premise version.
We must buy the full licence with one year of update included.
After, we must pay for updates version.

My idea here is a subscription model by month or by year exactly as for SaaS
Renault DEMANGER 2/2/2021 5:02 AM
As some big editor do it for Office suite -_-
But I assume that it's require an activation system linkled to online account which require maybe overly complex development

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