I would like a very simple change to make the sub-ticket list on the right side when viewing a master ticket alot more useful.
I would like to see:
1. The Last Updated Date on the Sub-Tickets for each ticket in the list.
2. Who last updated the sub-ticket.
3. And have the list ordering changed, or at least have options for ordering/sorting. Ideally I would like to see the most recently updated tickets at the top!
As we work with a master ticket, sub tickets are created. Sometimes to update or understand the master ticket, you need to see where a project is at by looking at the sub tickets. As it stands at the moment, the list on the right is not very helpful at all. You can't tell what the most recent activity is, all the dates listed appear to be the sub ticket creation of the tickets, which is fairly irrelevant to the current project. I would like to see more detail, so I can tell at a glance what is going on with any associated tickets.