New Suggested 4/6/2023



show actual date and time of each post

Instead of just showing "55 minutes ago" or "3 days ago" at the bottom of each post, also show the actual date/time of the post.

This comes in very handy when trying to verify a time difference between ticket comment / reply against other system logs on other systems.

Jeroen van Hulten | Van Hulten Software BV
This is my biggest annoyance of JitBit.
I just want an absolute value, X minutes ago is not usefull at all.
12/6/2023 1:45 PM
Jared Call
you can mouseover the "55 minutes ago" and see the explicit date/time
3/20/2024 10:55 AM
The mouseover does NOT give the explicit date/time for me.
3/20/2024 12:13 PM

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