New Suggested 1/4/2024 by Vincent Minon



Request for more possibilities for links between assets and tickets

1) Can we see the asset of a ticket in the list of tickets?

2) Can we have a better presentation of tickets on the detail of an asset?
For example a link to the ticket view filtered on this asset.

Steele carr
Great idea... We would really use this.
1/7/2024 12:31 AM
Vincent Minon
As I see you interested, I am refining our request.
If you want, we can prototype the HMI we would like to obtain. But it's up to you to tell us if it's desirable.

- In the detail of an asset
o Present the list of tickets: more columns and not on the right.
o We could also have a link to the advanced search for this asset
- General view of tickets does not show assets. The ideal is the asset if only one and a number if more than one asset for the ticket.
This number is a hyperline to go to the list of assets linked to this ticket
- In the advanced ticket search
o Add the ability to search by asset
o Search by company should also show tickets with an asset linked to the company
1/8/2024 11:14 AM

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