Already, it is possible to use automation rules to set custom statuses. They can be useful in situations like this, to quickly convey useful information:

However, at present, each custom status MUST have a corresponding button that is then displayed on every ticket that is not already in a custom status:

In the case of a custom status like "Subticket updated," we only want the automation rule to set that status. There is no circumstance in which a tech will set that status manually. Further, the more custom statuses we use, the more buttons clutter up active tickets.
This request is for allowing custom statuses to NOT have a button. In other words, to make it possible to have custom statuses that can ONLY be set via automation rules. The below prompt could be changed to have "(leave blank for no button)" at the end of it.

It would really help us to have this functionality, to keep the screen decluttered and reduce user error!
Please vote for this if you agree that it'll be helpful to have =)