Implemented Suggested 7/12/2018 by Torin Smith



Accumulate Time Spent By Technician/Visit

The Automatic Time Spent accumulation could be much more useful if it could accumulate by Technician/Visit - this would enable reporting by Technician in a date range

Alex Tech
Not sure I follow, can you please provide more details?
7/13/2018 3:10 PM
Torin Smith
Currently, JitBit stores the time as one column in the issues table. Which causes unreliable times if 2 people look at an issue at the same time.

If time had its own table (something like Issue, Technician, PostDateTime, seconds) the time reporting would be much more useful. Then the Control on the Issue form would be capturing time for that Issue/Technician always starting at 0. The form could display the total time for that Issue (SUM time Group By Issue) , and the total time for the Issue/technician (SUM time Group By Issue/technician).

For example:
- Issue 100
- Technician 1
- Technician 2
- Tech 1 Starts working on the ticket his seconds accumulate from 0
- Tech 2 also opens the ticket to work on it - her seconds accumulate from 0
- Tech 1 Close the ticket with 125 seconds - JitBit write the time out as Issue100, Tech1, TodayNow, 125
- Tech 2 Closes the ticket with 75 seconds - JitBit write the time out as Issue100, Tech2, TodayNow, 75
- Tech 1 opens the ticket again - his seconds accumulate from 0
- Tech 1 Close the ticket with 40 seconds - JitBit write the time out as Issue100, Tech1, TodayNow, 40

Now we know that Issue100 has 240 seconds time accumulated:
- Tech1 worked 165 seconds
- Tech 2 worked 75 seconds

Thanks for considering!
7/13/2018 6:20 PM
Alex Tech
OK, got it. We'll look into this
7/14/2018 5:06 PM
Miha Pečnik
We also very much need this, it's probably the single reason we're not migrating to Jitbit.
3/24/2021 2:39 PM
Our company migrate fro Jit to JitBit, and we really need this features. Its very important to truck tech timesheets
11/8/2022 7:07 AM

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