Good morning,
My team is missing a key feature from your software that
they are accustomed to in SpiceWorks… creating Sub-Tickets.
- Leverage
the existing data structure you have for “Linked” tickets
- Admin
-> General Settings Page
- Add
a checkbox for “Allow Sub-Tickets” and default it to unchecked so you
don’t disrupt your current users
- This
would enable / disable the nesting of linked tickets on the main grid
- Tickets
Main Grid Page
- Group
together and nest / indent tickets that are linked (sample image
- “Master”
ticket on the top of the group, all others underneath
- All
sorting would relate only the Master ticket, the group of tickets would
always stay together
- Ticket
Details Page
- Add
a checkbox for “Is Master Ticket” (this would determine which one is the
parent (top most) on a group of linked tickets)
- If
no ticket is selected as “Master” I would simply do the oldest ticket
- Only
one master allowed per group