Declined Suggested 6/27/2019 by John Thoden



Customize Asset Columns display

Please consider offering the ability to control which columns are displayed in the Assets grid. It can be done for the Custom fields already, so being able to hide Supplier, Quantity, etc. would really help us zero in on the data we need to see in that view. A bonus would be the ability to change the order the columns appear, from left to right. Thanks.
John Thoden 6/27/2019 6:09 PM
The functionality already exists on the Tickets page where you offer, "Select columns to display..." on the left side.
Renault DEMANGER 10/13/2020 6:33 AM
Hi John,

You've partially right.

The functionality exist already on "Tickets GRID".

But, this idea was for "Assets grid" and not for Ticket GRID.

I suggest to reopen this idea.
Renault DEMANGER 10/13/2020 6:35 AM
sorry, I've already resubmit it

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