Implemented Suggested 9/17/2019 by Heja



Customer feedback option upon closing of ticket

Hi Jitbit,

Good day,

We are currently looking at a third party solution for this, one of the concern raised was that, managing report from different source is bit of a hassle, there's a difficulty to track back and review tickets that has been evaluated.

It will be nice to have if we have this part of the system integrated, since helpdesk ticket needs to be evaluated anyway to improve customer service.

1. Customisable per department.
2. Sent via email or link to customer upon closing of ticket for feedback
3. Separate view page per department for analytics
4. Reports can be generated the same on the report page.

Let me know your take.

Below are samples taken from web.

To be also use as net promoter score and customer feedback.
9/17/2019 11:47 PM
This third party customer feedback (sample image above) use image link which i think is okay, but observe its only limited to 4 icons. would it be nice if it can be customisable based on the metric needs. and more choices aside from customer feedback.
10/8/2019 1:45 AM
Request for improvement:

Feature request or improvement on the first release of Jitbit customer feedback.

- Ability for more customization
-- Allow department or company do their customer feedback sampling options.
-- Use of images as alternative to text
-- Option to have different selection option. (sample below)
---- 3 options (Good Ok Bad)
---- 5 options, (Excellent, Very good, Good, Average, Poor)

- Ability to select company, department and or Custom field to narrow down Customer feedback. (current release does not segment department, company or custom field at all, not so useful as you don't know which category the feedback refers to)
11/25/2019 3:02 AM

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