"Is Manager" - Improvement
We would like to request for "Is Manager" to be more flexible in terms of scope. At present this function was not in use in our organisation due to its large scope.
Our request for improvement are the following:
- Options to be added in "Is User" and "Tech "
- Ability to oversee tickets in select custom field, Department and/or Organization only.
- Ability not to received ticket notification. (can be done manually at present but workaround is not optimal)
- Ability to received automated reports, based on number 2.
- They need their own tab view of their own ticket so at not to confuse themselves.
- Those "user" with "Is manager" = on, will be shown in "Is Manager" tab.
Reason some Manager would not want to use the current "Is Manager" function was because:
- It violates company data privacy, some tickets manage by other department are considered private and only authorise manager are allowed for viewing.
- They don't want to get involve with other tickets and would only prefer those that they have responsibility in.
- Too much of a clutter for some, having a view of entire ticketing system (multiple department) were as some Manager only manage a small department.
PS: can we also have an option for admin not to see other ticket he she not assigned to. Currently its seems like it's there by default (seeing all ticket). (compliance finding)
Appreciate and thank you. for your consideration.
Also, we have a few companies that have same person as a manager so they would like to see all 3 company tickets with same user but the functionality right now does not allow it so they have maybe 3 users. one for each company and 1 for tech as he is responsible for 1 are.